With the motto “Inspiring Innovation, Driving Excellence”, Corallia was established in 2005 with the vision to help “science, innovation, and entrepreneurship to flourish (again)” in Greece. Corallia has a set mission “to support and act as a catalyst in the development of coherent, productive innovation ecosystems, in which participating organisations are active in specific sectors and regions of the country, with a pre-existing competitive advantage, particularly being extrovert and export-orientated”. Its ultimate objective is to “emerge as a reference example for the development of clusters at a pan-European level, nurturing world-class clusters at key innovation sectors of the economy.”
To this date, Corallia has facilitated the development of three innovation clusters in technological sectors and contributes, through targeted actions and initiatives, to the continuous improvement of the local innovation ecosystem and to the sustainable economic growth of Greece. At the same time, it has established itself as a trusted partner at European level for policy-making issues related to the strengthening and promotion of a vibrant economy, the utilization of scientific and business talent in individual sectors and regions, the design and implementation of national youth entrepreneurship programs, and the management of co-working and business acceleration infrastructures (innohubs).