Gaming and Creative Technologies & Applications Cluster

Activity Fields

Video Game development

Serious Games


Immersive Technologies (VR, AR, MR)

Creative Services

Platforms and Networks

Creative Content

Creative Services

gi-Cluster: game innovation cluster


The gi-Cluster (Gaming and Creative Technologies & Applications Cluster) is a dynamic and steadily growing innovation business ecosystem in creative industries, especially in digital games in Greece, awarded with Gold Label Certification of Excellence by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis.
The gi-Cluster aims to produce new technologies and competitive products, utilizing scientific, business, and research talent from all areas of Entertainment and Creative Technologies & Applications, effectively improving Greece’s position in the international competitiveness ranking.
Today, the gi-Cluster owes its “raison d’etre” to its members -startups, SMEs, large companies, academic and research institutions, and other organisation- which actively manifest their desire for collaborative actions and contribute to achieve the cluster’s economies-of-scale and scope.

Associated Partners

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